July 4, 2024
Health Wellness

 Obesity & Ayurveda

Jun 20, 2023

Obesity is one of the leading health crises of today’s era. Ayurveda has already described all aspects of obesity in detail. In Ayurveda, obesity is considered as Meda Dhatu vikriti

• Causes of Sthoulya :

अव्यायाम दिवास्वप्न श्लेष्मलाहारसेविनः |
मधुरोऽन्नरसः प्रायः स्नेहान्मेदः प्रवर्धयेत् || (मा. नि. 34)

1) Lack of physical activities and sedentary lifestyle.
2) Sleeping in day time.
3) Excessive intake of Guru (heavy to digest food), Madhur ahaar (sweet food), unctuous food.
4) Hereditary
5) Manasa vikaras (Mental Disorders)

All these factors causes increase in vitiated Meda Dhatu leading to obstruction in srotas. This causes improper nourishment of Meda Dhatu.
Disturbed Vata dosha goes in koshtha which in turn increases appetite and leads to excessive eating and ultimately production of extra fats i.e meda.

•Effects of Sthoulya :

1)Kshudra shwas ( difficulty in breathing even on slight exertion )
2)Trusha ( increased thirst)
3)Moha ( delusion)
4)Swapna ( sleep)
5)Shrama (exhaustion)
6)Ati kshudha ( excessive hunger)
7)Daurgandhya ( bad smell of the body)
8)Poor physical activity
9)Decreased health status

अयथोपचयोत्साहो नरोऽतिस्थूल उच्यते|| ( च.सू. 21)

In Sthoulya accumulation of fats is more in buttocks, abdomen and breasts and his vitality is less than its body size.
Accumulation of fats is more in females than in males. In females the fats get accumulated more on buttocks causing Pear Shape Obesity , whereas in males it gets accumulated on abdomen & around the belly causing Apple Shape Obesity.

•Treatment according to Ayurveda :

व्यायामनित्यो जीर्णाशी यवगोधूमभोजनः|
सन्तर्पणकृतैर्दोषैः स्थौल्यं मुक्त्वा विमुच्यते|| ( च.सू. 23 )

Those who exercise daily, eat healthy food like yava (barley), godhuma (wheat) and preparations made from them and eat food only after the previously consumed food is digested get relief from disorders like Sthoulya etc.

Following treatment options for Sthoulya in Ayurveda (STRICTLY UNDER GUIDANCE OF AYURVEDA PRACTITIONERS) :

1) Udgharshan with Rooksha Dravyas like Triphala choorna and many more.
2) Lekhana Basti Therapy.
3) Aushadi preparations like Triphala guggulu, Arogyavardhini vati.
4) Yogasanas like : Bhujangasana , Dhanurasana , Shalabhasana , Paschimottanasana ect.

• संक्षेपतः क्रिया योगो निदान परिवर्जनम्।। (सुश्रुत संहिता)

According to ayurveda most basic concept to prevent any disease is Nidana parivarjana i.e. eliminating those factors which causes any disease.
So first start with physical exercises and start your journey towards a healthy life from this “International Day of Yoga”. I wish you all a Happy International Day of Yoga !!

– Dr. Atharva Shahane
B.A.M.S. (Pune)

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