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Effectively Treat Various Skin Conditions with Ayurveda | Ayurvedaforwomen

Jan 30, 2024

The skin is the body’s first line of defence. This makes it prone to infections and other issues. Eczema, psoriasis, and acne and rosacea are all skin illnesses that can cause uncomfortable sensations. Steroid creams might induce negative effects. This is why there is a need for gentle skin care. Ayurveda provides such assistance by recommending a holistic approach to managing skin disorders. Ayurvedic medication for the skin can effectively control skin problems.

Types of Skin Diseases?

Some of the common skin diseases and conditions include:

Acne: Skin breakouts can take the shape of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts. If not addressed, it might cause scarring. Acne is a common ailment that peaks throughout adolescence and can remain long into maturity. Working out in the gym, avoiding fried foods, and drinking more water may help reduce acne breakouts. However, if nothing appears to work for you, Ayurvedic cures for skin diseases can be your saviour.

Hives:This is an allergic condition causing severe itching and red bumps on the skin surface. There can be various external or internal factors responsible for hives. These include food allergies, dairy or marine products, medication, etc. Wondering how to get rid of skin allergy & itching? Taking prescription Ayurvedic medicine for skin allergy itching is the safest way to find relief.

Rosacea: This condition can be chronic. It causes flushing, redness on the face, bumps, and makes the skin dry up. The causes of Rosacea are not clear, but many health experts speculate that it’s a genetic condition or may occur due to environmental factors. It may further get worse with spicy food or hot beverages. However, there are certain Ayurvedic herbs for skin diseases that can manage the symptoms of Rosacea. For example, aloe vera, turmeric, green tea, honey, fenugreek, etc.

Eczema: It is a skin condition characterised by itching, redness, and causes flaking of the skin. It can be a chronic condition, but the symptoms can be managed by using herbs like neem, turmeric, Triphala, cardamom, etc.

Psoriasis: This disease leads to silvery skin patches that are scaly. It can be itchy and occurs on the scalp, elbows, and knees commonly. Fortunately, there’s an effective Ayurvedic oil for skin diseases like Psoriasis. It’s called Winsoria oil, and you can buy it from the official website of Kerala Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, skin diseases can be a result of disturbed dosha levels. Lets’ understand Ayurveda’s perspective on skin diseases and how one can treat or prevent these diseases by pacifying doshas.

Contact dermatitis: This occurs due to allergies. It causes severe rashes. Blisters can be formed that can ooze fluid or become crusty. It is a rare condition that affects people with sensitive skin and usually flares up when the skin comes in direct contact with chemicals like bleach, detergent, rubbing alcohol, solvents, airborne sawdust, pesticides and certain plants.

What are the Causes of Skin Disorders?

Skin disorders can be caused by various factors. These could be:

  • Dry skin
  • Allergies to things like foods, dust mites, or pet dander
  • Infections like scabies, ivy poisoning, measles, chickenpox
  • Allergy to certain medications
  • Immune system disorders

What are the main Symptoms of Skin Disorders?

  • Increased awareness of one’s skin
  • Intense irritation to the sensation of touch
  • The feeling of being “crawly” all over
  • Unexplained bumps
  • Redness, or hives
  • Dry patches
  • Itchy skin
  • Scaling, cracking and peeling skin

How to prevent this?

There are a few ways to prevent skin disorder from developing. One way is to avoid the use of products that contain alcohol, fragrance, and artificial colors or dyes. You can also consider using a moisturizer or lotion to help prevent dryness which can lead to itchy skin. You can also find relief from your itching by taking a long-hot shower. And scrubbing your skin with a loofah sponge.

Precautions you should take to remove surface allergens from the skin:

Hydrated skin is less prone to cracks and dryness, so eat the Ayurvedic foods recommended. This will also help you gain other great health benefits.
Herbal extracts can be utilised to soothe and calm the skin. They will undoubtedly relieve itching.
Dry the area. Sweat and dampness cause skin problems if they accumulate. Dry the skin with a gentle towel. Never rub the skin too hard or the irritation will worsen. This can lead to wound leakage and infection spread.
Wash the afflicted area with a fragrance-free cleanser.
Wear loose clothing that does not chafe or irritate the skin. These suggestions are quite useful if you have an allergy to metal, food, or textiles.

Skin infections can be prevented by keeping your skin healthy and hydrated. Thus, it becomes very crucial to drink plenty of water for healthy routine. Ayurveda is a natural science that nourishes and heals the body. These herbal preparations have powerful medical characteristics that benefit the body. Try them to stay healthy and radiant

When to Consult an Ayurvedic Dermatologist ?

You can surely consult an Ayurvedic Dermatologist for treating skin disorders, if you are experiencing any of the skin problems mentioned in the article above. This is because they have the therapy, medicines, knowledge and experience to deal with your condition. They will also provide you with a holistic treatment that will work for you in the long term.


Ayurveda with its ancient practical wisdom is an effective way of treating a variety of skin diseases. The natural treatments it offers not only help to actually treat the issue but also provide nourishment for the skin while eliminating toxins and helping to rebalance dosha for long term benefits for healthy and glowing skin.

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